I’ve had my github.io set up for a while now, yet I haven’t done anything with it since the initial commits. Until now, that is.
Starting a blog seems like the thing to do (also John Sonmez told me to do it), so I decided to investigate Jekyll. Since it’s not fully supported in Windows, I decided to boot up my Ubuntu VM and set things up in there. Worked out great as I had wanted to up my Linux game. I installed Ruby, then acquired the packages (or ‘Gems’) that I needed. It took a few hours, but I got there in the end.
I have a faint idea of what this blog will be about, I will hopefully flesh it out as I go along. Another possibility is that this would be my first and last entry… :/
Oh, and I was listening to Last Surprise (the battle theme from Persona 5) as I started writing this post, hence the title. It’s a great game!