• Code Complete: A Quick Glance

    Many years ago I had decided to read this book called Code Complete. Written by Steve McConnell, it was first released in 1993, with a second edition that followed in 2004. This 960 page mammoth is widely considered as one of the best works on the topic of software development,...
  • Imposter Syndrome Saga - Episode VII

    I recently attended NDC Sydney, paid for by work. The following week I was asked to do a brief talk at the tech department meeting about my experience at the conference. My bosses probably expected me to talk about certain technologies and tools, and to come up a few ideas...
  • Last Surprise

    I’ve had my github.io set up for a while now, yet I haven’t done anything with it since the initial commits. Until now, that is. Starting a blog seems like the thing to do (also John Sonmez told me to do it), so I decided to investigate Jekyll. Since it’s...