Went through an Attack On Titan phase earlier this year, where I watched season 2 of the anime, and caught up on the latest manga chapters. This was around the time that the AOT2 game came out, so I picked the steelbook edition, eager for some titan-killin’ action.

I created a female character called Mari Van Ursys, thinking it sounds somewhat AOT-ish. I made her to look a bit like Annie, because I like Annie and totally ship her and Eren (sorry Bertholdt).

I got a lot of joy from using the ODM gear to fly around and cut down titans. It just feels so damn good once you are familiar with the controls. The amount of customisation for your equipment and skills gives you plenty of freedom to switch things up every now and then. This is important for keeping the gameplay somewhat fresh. Honestly you’re pretty much doing the same things every mission (i.e. kill titans), but the thrill of landing the final hit on a foe never got old for me.
I also had a blast (pun intended) whenever I climbed inside a manual artillery tower to shoot canons at titans. They never stood a chance.
There are lots of absurd looking weapons in this game. You can even use a duster in place of a blade if you want to make things harder for yourself.
There were also some social sim elements where your character can bond with pretty much every single AOT character, which gives you the chance to see some interesting cutscenes. You can go on side missions with the characters and buy gifts for them to increase your friendship rank, which in turn unlocks more skills for you to equip.
After completing the game, you can do some what-if missions and save a bunch of characters that didn’t make it out alive in the story canon. I gave Gelgar some booze after saving him and Nanaba, he deserves it sob.
There’s also a mini game where you play as a titan and cause as much havoc as possible within a time limit. It’s fun for maybe five minutes.
Finally here’s Sasha and Connie being goofy, just like in the manga/anime: