Team Four Star ranked this pretty high on their top Dragon Ball video games list, so I picked it up!
They definitely tried to cater for a younger audience with this game. You customise the protagonist at the start of the game, and you also have Trunks, Goten, Kid Goku and Pan being the main supporting characters. The interactions between the cast are a lot of fun, things are light hearted and never gets too serious. The story, on the other hand, is… just ok. The annoying thing is having to collect those stupid energy orbs in order to advance to the next area, it’s just terrible game design.
The battle system had a lot of potential, but ended up being pretty average. The Grandia-like turn based system is cool, but the luck-based attack/guard system is quite annoying. It also doesn’t help that you’re unable to skip battle animations, which makes later battles a drag to get through. It really could have used an option to skip or disable those animations, like how Fire Emblem does it.
The chibi character designs are cute, and it’s even got Dragon Ball Super characters! The main draw of this game is, as the title suggests, fusions. It’s very gimmicky, but at the same time amusing because of the absurd fusion designs that they came up with. Did I mention that you can fuse all five party members into one?
Recruiting characters could and should have been awesome like Pokemon, instead it’s a convoluted mess. Fight three battles, then fight another battle where the character you want may or may not show up. Defeat that character with zenkai (a god damn pain to activate) then cross your fingers!! facepalm I would have loved to hunt down more characters had they made it actually fun to do so. Alas, I didn’t get very far with the post-game content.
So yeah, this game is just kind of ok. It had so much potential, but the end product turned out to be quite disappointing. Kind of like Gohan.
Flying around is pretty fun though!