A Spider-Man game that plays like the Batman Arkham series? I’ll take one please.
The combat system is a lot of fun. Some of the advanced moves will need to be unlocked, but once you have them, you can really pull off some cool shit. The different suits (and there are lots of them) look great, and each gives you an unique ability - stuff like spider arms and electric guitar waves. In terms of difficulty, enemies can easily defeat you if you’re being careless, so you gotta be on your toes and use everything in your arsenal.
The Manhattan open world is huge, but despite having all the iconic locations, it feels a bit…empty? I usually traversed on the rooftops though, so I definitely missed a lot of the cool stuff on the ground. The random interactions with pedestrians when you’re walking around is a very nice touch. I also like slinging car doors and bins towards pedestrians and seeing them duck for cover, heh, but my favourite thing to do was probably kicking/slinging enemies off of rooftops. Spider-man doesn’t kill, so I’m sure those guys would have survived the fall. Probably. Maybe.
The story is ok, but it felt a bit disjointed, especially how Martin Li just took a backseat in the latter half of the game. I understand that they were telling the story in arcs, but I felt it would have worked better if the main antagonist had been the same throughout the game. There are still many great moments throughout the game, and some very emotional ones towards the end. The characters are very well written for the most part.
Most of the sidequests were fun. I especially liked tracking down backpacks and taking photos of landmarks. The Taskmaster challenges and the pigeons were interesting the first few times, but later became just things that needed to be done to get the Platinum trophy, which I eventually did :) Compared to some other games, it was one of the easier platinums.
This game is not groundbreaking by any means, but it’s still very enjoyable, and I might pick up the DLCs at some point.