This is more fan service for Persona fans such as myself. It’s great to see the P3 cast in the P5 art style (although there’s something off-putting about Yukari’s long arms during the story events), not to mention the P3 locations as the dance stages, everything just looks gorgeous.
There’s not as much to do here compared to Persona 4 Dancing All Night, however, thanks to the lack of a story mode (amongst other things). In its place are a bunch of social events that get unlocked as you progress through the game. It explains the absurd circumstances of why the S.E.E.S. crew are required to dance. You can explore each character’s bedroom as well, where you can poke around their belongings and find hidden items, which will unlock more stuff for your characters to wear. Speaking of that, I love the reactions from the females whenever you select a revealing/risque costume for them, nice self-awareness and shaming poking fun at the player’s perversion.
Like P4D, this was another easy platinum. I loathe that stupid Mass Destruction (Remix) for Ken though, ugh. Overall the music selection was fine, although not as good as P4D, as some of the remixes sounded pretty generic and uninteresting. Nonetheless, here are some of my favourites: