This game came out in early 2018, but I didn’t know about it until months later, shame on me!
The hub of this game is a miniature house (not a doll house!), and each room serves as a different level. What’s interesting is that you’ll often have access to multiple rooms, and the tricky thing is to work out the order in which to complete the puzzles. For instance, an item you obtained in the study may actually be used in the kitchen, so you will need to jump around a fair bit. The miniature house itself has some puzzles that you’ll need to crack in order to unlock new rooms.
Like all games in this series, there are some sections where it’s quite difficult to figure out what to do next, but eventually you’ll have that light bulb moment. Alternatively you can enable the hints, if being stuck frustrates you.
There is a story of sorts told through letters, and it kind of keeps you engaged as you progress through the levels. The black slimey tentacles are also present here, just to give the game the right amount of creepiness. There are no jump scares, but the atmosphere and ambiance definitely makes you feel uneasy and tense at times.
Towards the end, it’s attic-ception time!
I’ve always enjoyed playing this series, and Old Sins is no exception. Definitely keen to play more sequels!