I loved Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii, and in my opinion it was the best JRPG of that generation. Getting this definitive edition was a no-brainer, but having said that, I’m saving my second playthrough for another time. For now, I just want to enjoy the new content, Future Connected, an epilogue specifically developed for this Switch remaster, with Melia as the main focus.

The new epilogue takes place almost entirely on Bionis Shoulder, an area originally created for testing purposes in the Wii release. You also have access to the Alcamoth ruins, though the majority of your playtime will be spent on the Shoulder, which is a joy to explore with its lakes, cliffs, valleys, caverns, and more. I’ve taken so many screenshots because the scenery just looked stunning.
Jumping off high areas is still as fun as ever for me, even better if you say something like “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiit!!” when you’re doing the deed.
The disappointing thing for me is that we never found out what the Fog King is and where it came from. I had thought and hoped that it would be tied back to the Xenoblade 2 universe somehow, but it wasn’t to be. (Though there are some interesting theories online) Still, the character development for Melia and Tyrea (though I’m more used to ‘Taruko’ thanks to the Japanese dub) was great, as was the overall message that people of all races need to work together to ensure survival, something we really ought to do right now in the real world.
I thought the two Nopon party members Nene and Kino were fine gameplay-wise, but I find them annoying at times during cutscenes. Finding all the ponspectors was pretty enjoyable though, and you will want to find all of them if you wish to fight the hidden boss*.
I finished the scenario and all the sidequests* in around 18 hrs. My party for the final boss was level 77 Shulk, Nene (tank) and Kino (healer). I tried using Melia at first, but it just wasn’t working out with her in the party, no matter what I tried.
*Managed to beat that damn dragon Prosecutor Davrum in the cavern during postgame. A bit of luck was definitely needed.
Will update this post when/if I get around to the main game later!